We have become DigitalPitch.ch!
Atizo changes its name and becomes the Geneva Marketing Agency Digital Pitch. We offer the best web marketing services that you can find throughout the canton of Geneva at unbeatable prices. The idea of setting up this digital communication agency came from the fact that several members of the team, being themselves free-lancers before joining forces, had noticed that the services offered by the agencies in Geneva and in most of German-speaking Switzerland were not at all suitable for local clients and Swiss organizations. The price is often too high in relation to the services actually delivered by web agencies.
At Atizo, now Digital Pitch, things are very different. Whether you are a trader, an SME or a large group, we offer you a quality and really efficient service. We cover all areas of digital communication and therefore natural referencing on search engines, social media management and advertising. We also take care of your digital and physical image if you need it. Visit our new website digitalpitch.ch to find out more and request your own totally free and tailor-made digital marketing quote.